Jungle Bush Quail – Perdicula Asiatica

The Jungle Bush Quail is the quail of the Indian Subcontinent. 

You will see them anywhere from Pakistan, Nepal, through India then all the way down to Sri Lanka. They are generally sedentary birds however, the ones in Nepal are thought to migrate further south for the winter.

They’re often seen on dry open steppes but always near shrubs and bushes as they don’t like to be seen in the open. You can also meet them in mountains between rocks, but where they really feel at home is the jungle.

This wonderful quail inhabits areas up to about 4500 feet (1500 meters) above sea level.

Habitat of the Jungle Bush Quail

They normally live in flocks of 20-60 but sometimes turn to monogamy when the breeding season comes. Their nest is a shallow hole scraped into the ground,  padded with grass.

The hen will lay around 5-6 eggs and incubate for 16-18 days. The colour of the eggs is creamy-white or pale brownish-yellow.

They mostly feed on grass but occasionally extend their menu with insects, pupas and termites.

There are 5 subspecies of them:

1 . Perdicula Asiatica Asiatic

2 .  Perdicula Asiatica Vidali

3 . Perdicula Asiatica Vellorei

4 . Perdicula Asiatica Puniaubi

5 . Perdicula Asiatica Ceylonensis

A Jungle Bush Quail
A Jungle Bush Quail

Here is a short video below to show you the Jungle Bush Quail in their natural habitat in India

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