Simple Roast Quail Recipe

For 4 Persons


  • 8 quails
  • 200g bacon
  • 1tsp juniper berries
  • 4tbsp cooking oil
  • 1tsp salt
  • 1tsp black pepper powder

Method of cooking:

Pour the cooking oil into a small bowl or cup. Crash the juniper berries with a blade of the knife and pour it into the oil. Add the salt and pepper powder and mix it well to make a slush. Put the quails on a baking tray, spread some of the slush onto the quails, then cover them individually with rashers of bacon.

Place it into the oven (180 degree Celsius) and bake for about 30 minutes. Spread some more slush over them during cooking every 5 minutes or so. When done, bisect the quails, strain the gravy, place the quails onto plates and pour some gravy over them.

Simple Roast Quail is a great tasting quail dish which is simple to make. Serve with mash potatoes or boiled rice and vegetables or cherries in syrup.

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